Said no one ever. Or, at least no one who has ever seriously given it a try. I remember when I made the transition from the Romance genre to trying my hand at both faith-based fiction and Christian nonfiction. It seemed to come rather naturally to me – and because of this, I had not counted on hitting the same roadblocks I’d run into prior to switching to the genre.  I envisioned the words flowing generously onto the pages as my endless well of ideas overflowed with inspiration. It turns out I have not found that “easy button” I thought I’d stumbled onto.



It’s not that my life isn’t still full of situations that are way out of my control.  It’s not that I don’t still find comfort in the pages of God’s word.  As I sit here, looking back at the last several months, I can see so many times where it was only by God’s grace that I pulled through. What I can’t seem to figure out is why I feel so “dry” inside whenever I sit down to write – when I try to share what I’ve been walking through in hopes of helping someone else find hope and encouragement when God seems to be so far away – so quiet.



I have to say that it’s pretty frustrating to not be able to do what I feel I’ve been given the gift from God to do – to share the message of His love and forgiveness through my writing. It would be easy to just say that maybe I was never supposed to be an author of Christian books after all. But what I do know is that’s not the “easy button” I’ve been searching for. What I do know is that I still believe in God’s promises and that He is faithful – and that, while He may seem far away and quiet right now, He is still right here with me, where He always has – and always will – be. And maybe in times like these, all He wants me to do is to be still and know that He is God.



So, I’m not going to give up just yet.  I’m not going to walk away without even trying.  I’ll get past the disappointment and doubts that the enemy is working so hard to plant in my heart and mind.  And I’ll keep on writing with purpose – making use of the gift that God has given me.  I’ve actually penned the first few hundred words of what I hope will be my next faith-based fiction novel (with a working title of “More than Promises”).  As I work diligently on completing the first draft of that one, feel free to check out my novel, Light of Grace, available on Amazon as both a Kindle and paperback edition, and share your feedback (good or bad) with me. Oh – and if you’re so inclined, prayers would be appreciated!