My goal is to spread hope by exposing the pain and questions of faith of those who suffer from unspeakable tragedy yet are able to walk through it and learn to live again.
God never promised us that life would be easy. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that we will skate through the days and years without a concern in our hearts. In fact, Jesus told us that on this earth we would have trials and tribulations.
Where We Find Ourselves
Many times, even those who believe in the rescuing power of Jesus face trials and tragedies in their lives that cause them to question their faith, sometimes to the point of denying it exists anymore.
Sometimes we find ourselves walking through a season in life that seems endless. We can’t understand why God has put us there – or why He hasn’t brought us out of it. We struggle. We can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. We carry on each day, simply going through the motions but devoid of any joy in our hearts. We may even reach a point where we eventually lose hope that things will ever get better.
What We’re Told
We are told that the Lord promises to work all things to the good for those who love Him. Believing that is hard to do sometimes, especially when the path Life takes us down that seems to be leading us into a place of darkness. Our broken hearts become hardened. Our eyes cannot see beyond the pain. We drown in our hopelessness.
I’ve Been There
I know because I’ve been there. It wasn’t until I emerged on the other side of those trials that I could look back and see that I didn’t walk through them alone. I accepted Jesus three years ago, and can now understand just how many things He saved me from – even before I knew He was with me. When I found Him, I found the hope I felt I’d lost forever.
Why I Do What I Do
In light of my own experiences walking in the rescuing power of Jesus Christ, it has become my goal to help those who are looking for that hope to find it by walking someone else’s path; through feeling someone else’s pain; by emerging with them when they reach the other side of things they never saw coming – that they couldn’t understand – things that seemed to suck the very life out of them, leaving them with no place else to turn. What I won’t do with my work is preach. I’m in no way qualified to do so. I will not pretend that I can solve anyone’s problems – especially when I cannot even solve my own. I want to simply share what I’ve learned about the beauty and faithfulness of the Lord, and how He saved me from my worst enemy – myself.